There is a home for You....

Hey beautiful people. Today I'm coming to you with a word from the heart. See I was moved by listening to a song Justin Bieber created 3 years ago. And I know, I know Justin Bieber is in the industry. Does not currently sing songs for the Lord. But hear me out.

The song was called “Lonely”. In it you can hear Justin pouring his soul out about “how he's been talking but no one is listening”. How he feels lonely etc etc. My soul cried out for him. For a few reasons.

  1. He is expressing his loneliness even though he has “everything” by world standards

  2. In his song he sounds so broken. Yet, crying out for help in his music.

It touched a piece of me something deep. In one part of his life since becoming “world” famous I recall him seeking a relationship with Christ. It overjoyed me. Because we are to celebrate when our brothers and sisters return home. Much like the parable of the lost son.

Can you imagine how overjoyed our father would be to have Justin come home, permanently? Can you also imagine how sad our father is when he sees us out in the world being mistreated, used, abused and he's equipped us with everything we need right at home?

After hearing Justin, I literally just wanted to hug him and tell him that I'll listen. That I'd sit with him and let him know that it's okay to let it all out and to let it all go. That there is nothing that has happened to him or that he has done that Jesus Christ can't clean up. Or make new again.

One thing God, Jesus Christ doesn't do is to leave us lonely. He has promised to comfort us. We as believers are to comfort others just as Christ has comforted us.

I know what it's like to feel lonely. I know what it's like to feel loved even when there is no one around to give it. I know what it's like to be embraced by a presence you can't see or explain. And I know I can give all praise, glory and honor to Jesus Christ even in the midst of my pain.

Justin I don't know if you'll ever read this but if you do. I want you to know you don't have to be lonely forever. When you’re ready and able you can come home. I know this might be three years behind and I know you're not yet free from the chains of the industry but you can cry out anytime you're ready!

Jesus wants to live in our hearts. He takes us as we are and cleans us up. And loves us right in our brokenness. You don't have to be broken but know in your weakness that's when Christ is strong! Maybe your name isn't Justin, maybe it's something else. The same applies to you. You don't have to be lonely. There is true love waiting to properly embrace you. That love is Jesus Christ. That love can be found in true believers. In the true embrace of a father's love. He's waiting on us to come home. Hopefully we'll find the strength before it's too late.

To anyone out in the world lonely, lost, confused, not feeling “good enough”, abused, misused, etc etc there is a home for you with Jesus Christ. There is someone out there who will genuinely listen, embrace and care for you in your brokenness. To those of you who are in sticky situations I pray you keep holding on. I pray you continue to live to fight another day.

Love ya later. Remember, you can have a place at home with Jesus Christ. Come home!

Stay safe. Stay prayed up.

Hailey Bieber. . . Thank you for being a safe landing for a soul like Justin's. Thank you for being a helpmate to a soul that needs help and love. May you cover him in prayer. May you be the hedge around him and may Jesus Christ keep you as well.


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