Has comparison been used to feed our flesh and kill our Spirit?
Well hello good people and the not so good too! I pray you all have been doing well. I have been doing pretty good & feeling better. If, I omit the tightness I've caused in my shoulder carrying an overweight bookbag inappropriately đź« . But anywho, I wanted to stop through and talk about comparison and how it seems to be a tool used to feed our flesh and kill our spirit.
Dramatic, just a tad?! But please let me explain why. When we compare ourselves to others in person, on social media, at work, within our families or etc our flesh is definitely at the forefront. Our flesh feeds off of envy, jealously, pride, unrighteousness, drunkenness, emulations, idolatry, strife, adultery, fornication, wrath and etc. (Galatians 5:19-21) Comparison is a door that will tempt us to fall victim to such fleshly acts especially when we haven't done the inner daily work of dying to our flesh.
When we embody these things we miss the opportunity to inherit the kingdom of God. Therefore killing the chance our spirit has to truly live.
In the book of 2 Corinthians 10:12 Paul highlights how it is unwise to compare ourselves among ourselves. Yet daily there are people stuck in the social culture of comparison. If we focus on the race that God has intended for us. (1 Corinthians 9:24) We are sure to be too busy stewarding the purpose God has for our lives to have time to “compare” ourselves to what anyone else is or isn't doing.
We can't win our own race worried about the race of someone else. We fail to feed our spirit “good fruits” (Galatians 5:22-23) when we are operating in our flesh comparing ourselves with hatred, envy and strife in our hearts.
Whether we are aware or not comparison is a door that could lead us to spiritual darkness. Ask yourself what does light fellowship with darkness?
Whelp, got to go but I'll chat you later.
Love ya. Stay prayed up. Stay vigilant.