The Year of Release !

Hello, Bonjour, Que Pasa! What’s going on beautiful people? Whew! We made it through another year. Goodbye 2024! Hello 2025.

Man! Am I ecstatic for what’s to come. 2024 brought out so many things that I can honestly say I am grateful to have experienced and learned. I have not sat down and completed my full reflection of the year yet, but I am grateful that it is over.

2025 is going to be a year of Release. I’m claiming it and standing in it!

Last night the Holy Spirit gave me the word Release. He began to explain to me that those who were held up in 2024 due to their 3rd leg refusing to smoothly pass the baton, this year, God, will be releasing you to complete your race. Not only will you obtain victory after victory. The 3rd leg who intentionally sabotaged you will have to watch from the sidelines as you run your race to WIN! God will be taking them out of the race entirely. No more will they have the ability to intentionally sabotage your race. No more will they be able to compete. The race is fixed, and you shall win!

I don’t know about any of you but for me that is something to celebrate! In my life I have experienced quite a few Ls and “dubs” (wins or Ws). Something about 2025 feels electric! Feels glorious!

2024 was tough at times for me, despite how it may have appeared to others on the outside. God had me doing so much “releasing” it became second nature to me. The beautiful thing about releasing things, places, circumstances and people is that it creates space for God to fill your cup with something new. Something better. Sometimes the things we hold on to blocks us from what could be, what should be. When we get comfortable with letting things go with a clean heart despite how we may feel letting it go. We open ourselves up to receive the very thing God has in store for us. We serve a loving God who wants to give us good things.

This year not only will God be releasing those of you to complete your race. There will be a release of evil in this nation like never before. Yet, we must endure until the end. Stand strong, stand for righteousness and fight the good fight of faith.

Stay vigilant. Stay prayed up.

Love ya, later!


Planted in the Fire 🔥


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