What are you Using to Obtain a Good Report?
Hello, Bonjour, Que Pasa! How are you doing good people and others? Pray all is going smoothly for you.
Have any of you ever considered how we go about obtaining a “good report” with the father? I know many of us can easily and quickly determine how we obtain a good report from man; do well in school, stay out of jail, make good money while working a good job, be a present and active parent, blah, blah, blah! All of these things will grant us favor among man yet, none of these things are necessary to obtain a good report from Christ. Jesus Christ.
In order to obtain a good report we need FAITH!
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1) In Hebrews 11:2 it states that the elders obtained a good report by faith. Its exact words are “For by it the elders obtained a good report.” The it being faith. What is it that you find yourself believing in? Is it providing peace for you? Is it covering you? Has it renewed your mind in a positive way? Has it fortified you?
There are Heroes of Faith listed throughout the word of God in Hebrews 11 some of them didn’t even receive the promises, yet they continued to fight the good fight of faith. There are others listed in the word who were able to receive the promises of God. Where will you find yourself in the good fight of faith? Will you endure until the end whether you receive the promise or not?
“Without faith it is impossible to please him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6)
In these times throughout the world please do not get caught up on being pleasing to man. The children of God need to do their best to obtain a good report with Jesus Christ, our Father. He is who gives us a good report. Man cannot. Remember people of God, we must fight the good fight of faith.
Stand strong. Endure till the end!
Love ya Later.
But what about your Foundation?
Hey, hey, hey good people!
I pray you have had a joyous week that was prosperous and productive. How do those keys feel in your hands? I pray they have a little weight to them. You know folks believe the “good stuff” holds weight. Today I want to discuss the importance of our foundations. I realized that in the last blog we discussed choosing which door we would walk through without even checking the foundation that the door was standing on.
So hopefully you chose the door that would lead to life. Which means you are intentionally choosing to die to your old self and consciously choosing to build your new self in Christ. If you’re still on the fence concerning where you will build I pray at the end of this blog you will have better clarity on the foundation on which you will stand.
I will be referencing scripture from Matthew 7:24-27.
In this chunk of scripture we see Jesus speaking and he is highlighting the importance of not only building our house upon a rock but the wisdom that comes with it. In vs 24 Jesus states that the person who hears his sayings and doeth them has built his house on a rock and is likened to a wise man. He then follows it thru in vs 25 by highlighting that even the storms that are bound to come will have no impact on the house that was built upon the rock. For it will be able to withstand the storm.
Now there are some folks who willingly choose to build their house upon the sand. If you were like me…I’m sure you read that and thought “who would choose sand to build their house on?” Sadly, you’d be surprised. Some of your favorite world known prophets, pastors, bishops, preachers, gospel artist, politicians, entertainers and the likes have built their house upon the sand. You’re probably looking like….”the folks living in mansions, with excessive wealth and nice cars?” YEP, them folks.
See when you choose to build your house upon the sand and the storm hits you are unable to withstand the blows it delivers. When you read vs 26-27, you see that those who hear Jesus sayings and still chose not do them are likened to foolish men; Who suffer great falls!
Jesus provided us with everything that we need to build a strong foundation. Yet he leaves us with the choice concerning the foundation we will build upon. The two options we have are the rock or sand. Choosing wisely is detrimental in this current climate of the world. I don’t want any of us, myself included, to do all of this work to build and establish a beautiful house. Just to realize it was built on the wrong foundation.
See we can believe or even appear as if we are doing the works of Christ just to realize that on that great day where we are to meet him that he never even knew us. (Mt 7:23) That’s the sinking sand! The great fall.
I pray ye chose to build your house on a solid rock. Where the storms of life can’t break you. Where the storm isn’t even significant when it passes through. You’ll have to check out Episode 03 for that word.
Welp gotta run again! I’ll catch y’all later. Stay prayed up!
Love ya later.
Let Me Give U the Keys Upfront
I got the Keys . . .
Hey y’all hey! Listen, if we’re going to kick this elevation thing off right. I have to give you the keys to the door upfront. I know, I know, most folks like to gate keep all the keys to your next opportunity but not here. See, I realize if you are here to tag along on this journey then you are desiring to be set free and to reach heights that only GOD can elevate us to.
In order for us to reach those heights though, the key is to renew our minds.
Yes, that’s it. We must renew our minds. In the Bible in Ephesians 4:23 it states “And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;”.
See we can not elevate to new heights without first releasing the things of old we have become so accustom to holding on to. Trust me! It is by no means a simple task. You will be tested greatly, you will not only lose loved ones, friends and opportunities, your old self would have naturally jumped at, you will also eventually lose the desire for those things as well. Which is ultimately part of the goal in elevation.
If who you have been was getting the job done; I love that for you. For those of us who have looked in the mirror and realized who we have been is not who we wish to continue to be. Take some time and read through Ephesians 4. Grab a journal and a good pen and take down some notes on what you learned about renewing your mind and the attributes that signify your mind has been renewed.
Trust, I don’t get them right all the time but I do strive to daily. This journey we are on is one step at a time.
Step #1 : Elevate our mind.
Task to complete - Read Ephesians 4 take notes! I want to hear what you learned. If you need a journal check out our shop.