Planted in the Fire 🔥
Hey beautiful people and Others. Hope all is going according to God's plan for your life. I wanted to come and share something with you. I have now been cyberstalked, gangstalked, harassed for almost 4 years. Which is wild considering the extent folks have gone to in attempt to disturb or rattle me.
Earlier today as I was jumping on YouTube Live my father began to talk to me about being “Planted in the Fire”. He began to remind me of the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendego. How the people stood by and watched as Nebechadnezzar threw them in the fire because of their stance to stand 10 toes and go against the King's worship of his golden statue ! (Boy, do we see that in today's society.) He also pointed out to me the 4th man in the fire.
Often times when you're going through something that's intended to destroy you it's easy to forget you're not going through it alone. That there are others experiencing the same thing and that you're not being consumed by the very thing intended to destroy you. That in itself is a reason to praise God. A reason to cry out and say, “thank you”. When you're a targeted individual…..a person who is experiencing intentional harassment, invasion of privacy, stalking, both literally and online it's sometimes easy to think you're the only one in the fire. It's easy to lock in on the “heat” you're feeling from the individual or individuals who are targeting you.
However, the beautiful thing I enjoyed about this conversation with my Father was his redirection of the situation. See, these 3 Hebrew boys had no help from the outside yet had everything on the inside. Follow me, real quick, not only did these three boys have the heart to stand firm on their believes regardless of the consequences, there greatest help was right there on the inside the entire time. (Did you catch that?) Even in the midst of the trial, the midst of the fire, God was right there on the inside with them.
Everything these boys needed to stand and fight was right on the inside. They had the heart to do it! Come on, somebody. These boys were equipped to stand the heat. (🏃🏿♀️🏃🏿♀️🏃🏿♀️) These boys were prepared to take a stance regardless of what it would cost them. Regardless of how hot things would become for them in the process, yet they stood anyways.
Close your eyes for a few moments so you can fully get this experience. Imagine yourself being thrown in a fire that's 7x hotter than normal, standing in the midst of it, yet, not being burnt 🥵! Imagine feeling the heat in the center of this fire, yet coming out with no indicator that you were ever even in it ! No smell, no burns, no dehydration, no scars, nothing. Nothing that would indicate you had literally been standing in a pit designed for your destruction.
Targeted Individuals, God's children, Children of light….. this is your earthly experience. The fire we endure isn't to take us out; it's to fortify us. Yet, so many will focus on being in the fire instead of focusing on what's inside. Inside our hearts….courage, fight, stamina, resilience, strength. Inside the fire with us…..our Father, the King of Kings, the omnipresent, the Alpha and Omega, the shot caller 😄.
Endure till the end. Use the heat to charge you up. This fire won't take us out! We're coming out unscathed.
Love ya later,