K. D. K. D.

Hold on Sweetheart! Fear don’t stop the Assignment!

Heeyy Beautiful People! How you doing? How you been?

Listen, let me tell you something real quick. If God has called you to something gone ahead and pick up the assignment. Let me tell you why. I’m not sure if you have ever read or heard about the two individuals who got to see Jesus on the mountain. (Luke 9:30) Moses and Elijah. But ugh if you haven’t let me give you a real brief summary.

So, Moses was called by God to free the Israelites from Pharoah in Egypt. He ended up killing an Egyptian and running away at one point. Felt like he was unqualified for the position God desired to give him and ended up being hated by the very people who he was called to help. Crazy right? (You can find more thorough info on Moses in Exodus.) Now Elijah was also called by God. He was a mighty prophet used by God to battle Baal and Jezebel. He was successful in his calling and even had a student he taught. Yet, at one point in his mission he ran away out of fear of his assignment. (You can find more info on Elijah in the books of Kings in the Bible.)

You might be wondering why any of this matters. Well, there will be those of you who are called in this end time to do a great work in this earth. What you may be called to do might seem a little overwhelming and a little scary to put it frankly. You know walking up righteously and serving Jesus Christ isn’t something that is looked at as Grammy worthy. But are the Grammies even really worthy to be celebrated at this point? I mean, if you have the funds, you can buy yourself a Grammy if you want one. Any who, back on subject. Walking for Christ in these last days we can expect to be hated. John 15:18-19 tells us so. Simply put it is because we Are NOT Like them!

Some of the beautiful things you can hopefully take away from the stories of Elijah and Moses is that the fear they had didn’t stop God from elevating them. Tough right? See, some folks believe that if you scared you can’t still go hard for Christ. However, we have some of the greatest examples of exactly that when we look at the assignments of Elijah and Moses. The fear they had didn’t stop the assignment and God still elevated them despite the fear they might have moved with.

So, if God has called you and the assignment seems daunting, pick up that fear and strap up. It’s the elevation we are on a mission to produce in this earth. Sweetheart, we have work to do. Believe it or not, doing it scared won’t make you miss your elevation. The fear you might begin with could be the very thing that propels you and your assignment to the highest elevation!

Love ya, later!

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