K. D. K. D.

There is NO Justice without Judgement!

Hello Beautiful People and Others! How have things been going your way? I hope you can say that things have been well despite the crazy things going on in this world today. I pray that you are able to keep the faith and stand strong.

We as a nation are in desperate need of justice on many fronts. We definitely need a cleansing in this nation but not necessarily in the way that the cleansing has been currently orchestrated in the United States. It seems that everyone who needs to be removed or locked up has escaped the full judgement they so rightfully deserve.

It is amazing how people desire justice to be served but hate the judgment that comes with it. See justice within itself embodies judgement. When we look at the word justice in the Strongs Concordance judgement is a word attached to it. There is no justice without judgement! Typically, in the courts there is a separation between the parties that are being brought to trial and evidence brought forth to the judge. After both parties have presented their case, a judgement is made in order for there to be justice brought forth in the trial.

As believers we often get caught up on God being a God of Peace and Love because that is what we love to rest in. I know I thoroughly enjoy my peace. How about you? However, God is also a God who enjoys judgement. When we look in the Old Testament we see so many examples of the judgement that God brought to different communities in that timeframe. When we look at how the world is today, we are sadly not far off from our own judgments coming to pass. So many things that God detest have been taking place for quite some time now and he is sure to return at any moment. There are some people who chose to carry on in this world as if they have all day to get their hearts, minds and spirits together but that is not the case.

We want freedom from the oppression that is being cast upon us slowly but surely but there are so many people who continue to scream “Only God can Judge me.” Completely dismissing the fact that when God does send judgement, he first sends either his prophet, angel or witnesses to administer his judgment. Stay sleep if you want to, but if you know, you know. Are you truly prepared to receive the justice you desire? I’d do a heart inspection and double check because there is no justice without judgement.

Stay vigilant. Stay prayed up. Stay ready.

Love ya, later!

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