K. D. K. D.

The Grace isn’t Unlimited!

Hello, Bonjour, Que Pasa! How are you all today? I pray all is well with you.

Today I wanted to talk about The Grace Isn’t Unlimited!

Many of us have grown up in homes, churches and vast communities where we have established connections and loving relationships. Some of us have grown up in not so loving relationships. Yet, we have found the strength to heal and continue to move forward. For those of us who have endured different things in life I’m sure we can attest to the fact that “Grace isn’t always unlimited.”

When we look at the word of God in Psalms 78 we see where God was dealing with the Israelites thirsting in the wilderness. God provided for them numerous times. Numerous times. Yet, the Israelites continued in their complaints and their request for more from God with a lack of thanks. Have any of you ever been giving and giving and giving and no one ever took a moment to simply say “thank you” for the work or services you have provided for them? I’m not sure if many people understand the complex simplicity that “thank you” provides. Thank you is one of the most simple and profound things you can say to someone.

Thank you gives. It gives in ways that will uplift and encourage the giver to give more because they feel appreciated. God wants us to appreciate his love for us. Some of us take for granted the love that God provides. I believe this is the case because we get comfortable in his works for us. Much like the Israelites did in the Bible. (Psalms 78:42) They had become so expectant of God being God in their lives that they didn’t even acknowledge that he was doing miraculous deeds to ensure they were fed. They didn’t even acknowledge that God was feeding them heavenly food.

Could you imagine being fed bread from heaven and believing that you are just naturally deserving of such a meal? (Psalms 78:24) As if you created the heavens and the earth in 7 days yourself. Eventually, people get tired. Just as God himself gets tired. We see in the Bible where God had given to the point where he was fed up. He then turns and smites the Israelites right when they were about to feast on the manna he had provided. (Psalms 78:31)

The grace God allots us is not unlimited. We as believers believe that all we have to do is “repent”. Let some of your celebrity Pastors tell it. However, true repentance is turning away from your sins. Meaning leaving them in the past. Turning away from them. Allowing God to establish you as a new creature in him. When we get comfortable in walking in our sins we are playing with fire. God’s consuming fire! Whether we take his warnings seriously or not….do we really want the smoke that God gives?! Don’t take God’s grace for granted. One day you won’t have time to repent and get your life in order. Start today!

God’s grace is not unlimited!

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