K. D. K. D.

Work in the 11th hour

Are you looking for work? The Kingdom of Heaven is hiring!

Hello, Hello, good people. I pray your Sabbath shall be well rested and rejuvenating.

I want to come talk to you about work in the 11th hour. Why it’s important for you to put in the work where you’re able and why your deeds are not automatic passages in the end game.

In the parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard in Matthew 20:1-16 we read a story that provides for us an example of what the Kingdom of Heaven is like. In it, we see how the owner of a vineyard rises early to find laborers for his vineyard. Once he does, he agrees on a set compensation and allows them to begin their labor in his vineyard. As the day progresses, he goes out multiple times to search for more laborers and he employs them as well in his vineyard. Around the 11th hour, which is 5pm, he comes across some bystanders and inquires with them on why they had been standing around idle. They inform him that “no one had hired them”. That kind of sounds familiar right? In this current climate there have been so many people that are looking for work or have been unable to attain employment. Maybe you can relate to this personally or maybe you know of someone who has been impacted by today’s economic climate in this manner. Fortunately for the bystanders in the parable the owner of the vineyard put them to work knowing that much of the day was shortly coming to an end.

Now that I have provided you with the background of this parable……let me ask you a quick question or two. Are you in need of work to do? Are you willing to allow the Kingdom of Heaven to use you in the 11th hour? Hold your thoughts. You can leave your comments down below afterwards.

Most people would not want to “waste time” doing work for just an hour. What reward would truly come from it would be the mindset of those who are looking to make good money and or be seen. But the laborers in this parable were willing to work despite the time left in the day to complete the work. They were just happy to have work to do. When it came time for the vineyard owner to compensate his laborers, he started with those that began the work last. When the laborers that began work first saw what the vineyard owner had compensated the 11th hour workers they were upset and jealous. Not only did they begin work first and compensated last, but they were also compensated the same pay as the 11th hour workers. Could you imagine being out in the heat all day and then the new laborers who were only outside for an hour end up getting paid the same wage as you? Yea, I could inner stand their jealously.

However, this parable is a perfect example of the Kingdom of Heaven and why it would be wise for you to become a worker for Christ in the 11th hour. See Christ wants you to have work to do. He doesn’t want you to be found idle. He wants to give you work and to fairly compensate you regardless of “when” you began your work. In Ephesians 2:8-9 we are reminded that “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man boasts.” We are unable to save ourselves! However, we are able to do the work right where we are. We are not counted worthy by our deeds. We are counted worthy through God’s grace for us through our faith. Many will feel as if they are better deserving of the rewards God gives out to whom he chooses but they are not God, nor should you allow them to be for your life. Much like the laborers in this parable who discovered that their deeds were equal in the sight of the owner. Our deeds in Christ eyes are compensated equally.

Maybe you have been looking for work, standing around being idle, or just simply not able to secure work. Let me tell you from experience. The most rewarding work you will ever do will be for the Kingdom of God. Do not stress about how you missed being involved in God’s work earlier on can you be trusted to join his vision now?! Will you be found in the remnant? We’re in the 11th hour. Will you join the laborers in the 11th hour?

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K. D. K. D.

Perfectly Positioned

Hello Beautiful People. Welcome back to the Ls2Elevation BlogCast! Happy to have you here. In this blog today I wanted to share some insight God gave me on being “Perfectly Positioned” to be used by God.

A few days ago, God had me reading in 2 Kings.

During my reading I came across the story of Jehu on a mission to fulfil his assignment to take out all of those related and employed by Ahab and Jezebel. In 2 Kings 9, Jehu comes to the city Jezreel where Jezebel was and ask, “Is anyone up there on my side?”. No one spoke up but some palace workers did show themselves out the window. (vs 32) See oftentimes in life, it appears as if we are fighting on the wrong side. We are employed by known evil and we say nothing! We just continue to show up at work. What if I told you God has you perfectly positioned to be used by him!

In today’s world we are surrounded by plenty of people employed by Ahab and Jezebel themselves. It appears that their idols, laws and statues have been running the country for quite some time. There are plenty of people who need to work. Who must work. Sometimes the best position you can secure is on the side of the enemy to supply your needs. Tough position but a purposed position. See when Jehu rode up to the palace of Jezebel, he was so locked in on his mission that he didn’t even address the conversation that Jezebel was trying to have with him. He simply walked up and asked, “Who is on my side?”

Had it not been for their perfectly positioned employment maybe Jehu could have been delayed in his mission to kill Jezebel. However, because of those that God had perfectly positioned in the enemies’ camp he was successful. There are some of you stressed out right now for good reason working on the side of the enemy. Today I want to bring you encouragement “stay in position”. God is going to use you right where you are. Your access gives God access to do just what he needs to be done. Help is on the way. Understand that the position is granted in and on purpose. When you are on the Lord’s side stay in position to be used.

Till next time Beautiful People.

Stay prayed up, stay vigilant, stay in position.

Love ya later.

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