K. D. K. D.

The Praises of men will cost you something!

What’s going on beautiful people?! Good people and others. I pray all has been well with you.

In today’s blog I want to highlight how the “Praises of men are going to cost you something!”

We live in a world today where people worship the “praises” they receive from man over striving to receive the praises from our Master, Jesus Christ. In John 12:42 we see how the Pharisees, the “leaders”, at that time had ordered the people not to have anything to do with anyone who had faith in Jesus. Isn’t it amazing how the very people we worship, our leaders, have the power to influence us detrimentally? Oftentimes we miss the plot (trap) because we are so consumed with how we will be perceived by those we have given detrimental influence in our lives.

When we are willing to submit to man’s rule over our lives more than we submit to the rule of Jesus Christ in our life it cost us something. In the scriptures prior to John 12:42 we see where Isaiah had previously prophesied that people would not be willing to have faith in Jesus (John 12:36-38). The cost associated with not having faith in Jesus resulted in the people having blinded eyes, stubborn hearts, and missed opportunities to be healed (John 12:39-40). The people were just “following” after the orders given by the Pharisees. Those who despised the work Jesus Christ was doing in the world. Yet, it cost them so much.

In 2024, so many of us are “following” Pharisees who have no intention to direct you to Jesus Christ. We have become so fixated on receiving the praises of man that we are willing to risk our own sight, understanding and healing to be approved by man who cannot grant us access into heaven. Only Jesus Christ, our master, can tell us “Well Done.” (Matthew 25:23) Do not take this as me saying that man can not acknowledge the blessing that your presence or influence has had on them because that is not what I’m saying. What I Am saying is that man’s “Well Done” of your life has no impact on whether or not you get into heaven.

God is the one who knows our ending from our beginning (Isaiah 46:10).

Our world today has become more craftier in the ways we are influenced to our detriment. The “leaders” man chose are showing you that they do not have any real care in the world for your current condition. Struggling financially, barely able to provide a meal for your family, no security with open borders, and the list goes on. Yet, there are still so many people concerned about their image to man. It cost you to follow a “leader” whose sole (soul) intention is to keep you away from the very thing, the very person, that can heal you & give you a restful eternal life.

When our focus is on doing the work that God has intended for our lives, the smoke we receive from man means nothing. The praises we receive from man will hold no weight to make or break us. Good or bad we will be able to press on towards the mark. Scripture states in Philippians 3:14, “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ.” The high calling of God!

What can man do unto you? (Psalms 118:6) God, Jesus Christ, is the only person you should be striving to receive praises from. I pray you don’t allow man’s praises to detrimentally impact you to miss out on the things that God would like to do in your life. Healing can be your portion. Faith is required. Faith in Jesus Christ. Do not fear what man can do to you. Fear the life you could miss out on by choosing not to have faith in Jesus Christ.

Love ya Later.

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K. D. K. D.

The Smoke is just Proof the Oil is Burning !

Hello, hello, Hello, beautiful people and others. I hope all has been very well for you. It’s been quite some time since I have written a blog. How has everything been going with you? How is school going for your kiddos?

Life for me has been well, interesting and challenging at times. However, all in all it has been a true pleasure to live out. In this blog, I would like to elaborate on how the “smoke” is just proof the oil is burning!

Yes, this message is laced with dual meaning. In the culture, smoke signifies beef! Smoke signifies conflict, challenges, aggression from the opposition. Yet, in the word (Bible), smoke was seen in a few unique instances. Let’s dive in!

On my YouTube channel @Ls2Elevation I spoke on the topic “Will Jesus find you Oily on his return?” In the video I highlight how Jesus’ name is oily, how he was called the “Annointed One”, how the anointing is oily! The word anointing literally means to pour oil upon. Stay with me. It’s going to heat up.

When we look at Isaiah 6:4 the scripture highlights how God’s presence showed up in smoke. See sometimes people are bringing you smoke because of the smoke that surrounds your life spiritually. Let that soak in. Sometimes people have qualms and beef with you because they are upset with the presence of God that surrounds your life. It’s not necessarily you they are upset at. It’s the smoke!

When we look at Isaiah 34:8-10 we see how God’s vengeance is exemplified in smoke. Isaiah 34:8-10 highlights how the defense of Zion from God will result in the whole country going up in flames. Scripture states “It will burn night and day and never stop smoking.” We see in this chunk of scripture that “The Anointed One” speaks of being so heated (angry) that he literally will burn down an entire country to defend Zion. Can you imagine God being so angry at you that he plans to burn your country night and day with never ending smoke included? See some of the smoke you are enduring right now is because of the never-ending torment that is tied to the vengeance that God is taking up on your behalf against your enemies.

When we look at Revelations 14:8-11 we see how even Babylon ended in a never-ending smoke. Scripture states “If you worship the beast and the idol and accept the mark of it’s name, you will be tortured day and night. The smoke from your torture will go up forever and ever, and you will never be able to rest.” See when you are dealing with smoke from the opposition, whether it be work, family, friends, the world; their main strategy is to come at you so intensely (whatever they believe intense to be) that you are worn out by the smoke they have brought to your life. Ironically enough, Christ applies that same pressure to those who have decided to worship the beast, idols and that take the mark of the beast. Some smoke never ends well.

When we look at Genesis 19:28 we see how Destruction is exemplified in smoke. This chunk of scripture speaks about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Two cities plagued with perverse practices and wickedness. You know, often times when we look at cultural smoke or opposition we receive from others, we could also say, it comes from a perverse heart or wickedness within the opposition. When we have allowed ourselves to behave in ways that oppose God’s natural way for us, we often find that we are on a path of destruction. Most times we ignore the signs and warnings sent to us; but they were there.

When we miss the warnings God sends, we stir his anger, fueling his wrath, fanning the smoke we are bound to be tortured with.

The smoke we endure in the natural is just proof that the Oil is burning! That God’s presence surrounding us disturbs those who want smoke with us without a cause. The smoke we endure in the natural is just proof that the Oil is burning! That God’s vengeance has activated against our enemies. The smoke we endure in the natural is just proof that the Oil is burning! See God has given you rest in the midst of your storms. While those who partake in worshipping the beast and the idol come to an end without rest. The smoke we endure in the natural is just proof that the Oil is burning! Destruction is the portion for those who practice things that go against God’s natural ways. Some of our opposition is so focused on “us” they have blinded themselves to the error of their own ways that God has warned them about.

The smoke that is sent in the spiritual realm is just proof that the Oil is burning! God’s oil has been tested so much that it has ignited the consuming fire that God is. The smoke was the warning you ignored. The smoke is also the thing used to torture you.

For those of you enduring smoke in the natural stand fast and endure to the end. I leave you with Isaiah 51:7Hearken unto me; ye that know righteousness, the people in whose heart is my law; fear ye not the reproach of men, neither be ye afraid of their revilings.”

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K. D. K. D.

Work in the 11th hour

Are you looking for work? The Kingdom of Heaven is hiring!

Hello, Hello, good people. I pray your Sabbath shall be well rested and rejuvenating.

I want to come talk to you about work in the 11th hour. Why it’s important for you to put in the work where you’re able and why your deeds are not automatic passages in the end game.

In the parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard in Matthew 20:1-16 we read a story that provides for us an example of what the Kingdom of Heaven is like. In it, we see how the owner of a vineyard rises early to find laborers for his vineyard. Once he does, he agrees on a set compensation and allows them to begin their labor in his vineyard. As the day progresses, he goes out multiple times to search for more laborers and he employs them as well in his vineyard. Around the 11th hour, which is 5pm, he comes across some bystanders and inquires with them on why they had been standing around idle. They inform him that “no one had hired them”. That kind of sounds familiar right? In this current climate there have been so many people that are looking for work or have been unable to attain employment. Maybe you can relate to this personally or maybe you know of someone who has been impacted by today’s economic climate in this manner. Fortunately for the bystanders in the parable the owner of the vineyard put them to work knowing that much of the day was shortly coming to an end.

Now that I have provided you with the background of this parable……let me ask you a quick question or two. Are you in need of work to do? Are you willing to allow the Kingdom of Heaven to use you in the 11th hour? Hold your thoughts. You can leave your comments down below afterwards.

Most people would not want to “waste time” doing work for just an hour. What reward would truly come from it would be the mindset of those who are looking to make good money and or be seen. But the laborers in this parable were willing to work despite the time left in the day to complete the work. They were just happy to have work to do. When it came time for the vineyard owner to compensate his laborers, he started with those that began the work last. When the laborers that began work first saw what the vineyard owner had compensated the 11th hour workers they were upset and jealous. Not only did they begin work first and compensated last, but they were also compensated the same pay as the 11th hour workers. Could you imagine being out in the heat all day and then the new laborers who were only outside for an hour end up getting paid the same wage as you? Yea, I could inner stand their jealously.

However, this parable is a perfect example of the Kingdom of Heaven and why it would be wise for you to become a worker for Christ in the 11th hour. See Christ wants you to have work to do. He doesn’t want you to be found idle. He wants to give you work and to fairly compensate you regardless of “when” you began your work. In Ephesians 2:8-9 we are reminded that “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man boasts.” We are unable to save ourselves! However, we are able to do the work right where we are. We are not counted worthy by our deeds. We are counted worthy through God’s grace for us through our faith. Many will feel as if they are better deserving of the rewards God gives out to whom he chooses but they are not God, nor should you allow them to be for your life. Much like the laborers in this parable who discovered that their deeds were equal in the sight of the owner. Our deeds in Christ eyes are compensated equally.

Maybe you have been looking for work, standing around being idle, or just simply not able to secure work. Let me tell you from experience. The most rewarding work you will ever do will be for the Kingdom of God. Do not stress about how you missed being involved in God’s work earlier on can you be trusted to join his vision now?! Will you be found in the remnant? We’re in the 11th hour. Will you join the laborers in the 11th hour?

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K. D. K. D.

The size of your investment…

All it takes is a little bit of faith to see the biggest return on your investment.

What’s going on great and good people? I pray all is going well with you and that your day is abundantly joyful.

Today, I wanted to come and speak to those of you who have not yet made up your mind concerning your membership with the Heavenly Credit Union of Christ. I know sometimes the questions surrounding investing can be daunting. How much do I need to open an account? What are the fees? How do I earn interest on what I’ve invested? What if my credit is bad? Do you have programs for people who have previously had an account closed? Etc, etc.

Today I plan on answering your questions. Hopefully the answers I provide will give you some peace on making the final decision to join us at the Heavenly Credit Union of Christ.

First, I want to tackle the question regarding your investment. How much do you need to open an account? Well according to Matthew 17:20 the size of your investment can be as small as a grain of a mustard seed. Yep, that small! See, faith is the investment you need. Some people will have you believe that you need a massive quantity of faith to see any return on your investment BUT the truth of the matter is you DON’T. To get started you just need to believe that you can with Christ. You need to believe that you can because he (Jesus Christ) is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. (Eph 3:20)

Now, let’s look at the fees that are included with this account. There are daily cost. I know, I know. In this current economy seems like a lot to agree to with everything costing so much as it is. However, I’m not sure you can afford NOT to invest when you realize the true benefits at the end. The daily fees you will be responsible for will be the death of yourself daily. Luke 9:23 tells us that in order to follow Jesus Christ and become inheritors of the divine benefits the Heavenly Credit Union of Christ has to offer we must die to ourselves daily. Yes, that arguing, bickering, hatefulness, drunkenness, ugliness, etc etc; yea, you have to let it all go.

I’m sure you might now be thinking what is the benefit of doing all of that? The simple yet complicated answer is Life! Luke 9:23 states that when we follow Christ and die to ourselves daily we do so knowing that this death we face daily is so that we shall live with the father in the end. I’m not sure about you but death is not something that I want to endure twice. You can find more information on what exactly I mean in my blog Compensated in Life or Death. Some scripture that also highlights the benefit highlighted here is John 3:16, Romans 6:23 and Romans 8:6.

The interest you receive as a member of the Heavenly Credit Union of Christ is an overall makeover and increase in the fruitfulness of your life. Investing even the smallest amount can have substantial rewards. The faith of a mustard seed alone can move mountains. Imagine the fruits you would receive investing even more. Peace alone is worth the investment. When we look at John 16:33 it highlights that members of the Heavenly Credit Union have peace that is backed by a banker that has overcome the world. That is some serious security as a member. Look at how vast the world is. There are people of all different cultures and nationalities and nations. Some have peace and some do not. However, you get to choose if you would like to live a life of peace by joining with a worldwide credit union that is backed by an owner with real power and credibility. There are not too many banks out here that can compete with that. Quite frankly peace isn’t something you can just buy. It is something that you can wear proudly though. However, once you have it. It gives you this beautiful humility paired with a confidence that you can not describe.

Whether you have bad credit, past, history, negative accounts or charges, there is an account just for you at the Heavenly Credit Union of Christ. Our banker is honest, open, and invested in the person not just what you can provide for his benefit. Our banker, Jesus Christ, knows that your investment in him is an investment in self that will overflow out into others. He truly cares about his members and takes time to establish a personal relationship with you. He wants to see that your investment bares fruit. Making the decision to join the Heavenly Credit Union of Christ is just a call away. Our banker is waiting to hear from you.

Whelp, I hope today was the day you decide to take the plunge and trust that your investment is worth it with the Heavenly Credit Union of Christ. We’d love to have you as a member.

Love ya later. Stay prayed up. Stay vigilant.

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K. D. K. D.

Your Will won’t Cover that…..

Is your will enough?

Hey Beautiful people! Let’s talk about wills. Wills spiritually and wills in the natural.

In life, we live, we work, we enjoy, we cry, we lose, we learn, we grow! When we die, if we have properly prepared for our passing, we leave some “covering” for our families and loved ones from the labor we endured during our life. This will is a legal document that outlines how you would like your property and assets distributed amongst your loved ones. Wills help minimize the confusion and chaos amongst family members by assigning or designating things in advance. Due to wills being a legal document the family or loved ones have to abide by the will.

Hopefully that has provided you with a better understanding of a will in the natural sense. Now let’s look at wills in the spiritual sense.

In the KJV Bible Matthew 6:9-13, verse 10 states “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven!”

Our will, similar to that of the natural sense, are our desires or wants in life. The major difference is that our will in the spiritual sense will lead us to eternal life or death. Matthew 6:9-13 provides for us a way in which we should pray to our heavenly father who has adopted us and not given us the spirit of fear (Romans 8:15)! See when we choose to serve God, we are releasing the ways of the flesh and choosing to be of the Spirit. If the Spirit of God dwell in us we are of Christ (Romans 8:9-10). Therefore we are also “debtors” to the Spirit as well (Romans 8:12). We are giving up “our will” to take on the will of the Father (Matthew 26:39).

Heavy debt but it is one that ensures an eternal life! Remember now, we are members of the Heavenly Credit Union of Christ! Our perks are different.

In verse 12 of Matthew 6:9-13 it states “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” See our wills would have never been enough to “pay” for our sins. Matter of fact “our wills” were the exact reason we were unable to fulfill the law. Our natural state is one of sin (Romans 8:3). When we submit ourselves to the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) we are canceling our wills to purposefully pursue the will of our Father. It’s not easy, but there is purpose in it! There is life in it!

We are called to forgive those who “owe" or are “debtors” to us just as our Lord and Saviour sent his only begotten son to cancel our debts! Our sins, our natural nature (Romans 8:3) could have never cut it. We are to die to our flesh daily! We are to will ourselves to be righteous and walk in the ways of our Father. Jesus himself cried out three times to his father “if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou will” (Matthew 26:39-44).

Even our father submitted his will to his Father’s will.

In Mark 14:33 it talks about how Jesus “began to be sore amazed, and to be very heavy”. When I read the scripture surrounding that it highlights to me how purpose is heavy when it is God’s will for your life. “For my yoke is easy, but my burden is light” (Matthew 11:30). Don’t let that last scripture go over your head.

We can’t be a light living in darkness. Living in the flesh. Operating within our will for ourselves. I’ll let you sit with that.

Gotta go. I’ll be back soon. Stay prayed up. Stay vigilant.

Love ya later!

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K. D. K. D.

Who is Teaching You?

Are you being taught in black & white or in color? Are your lessons freeing you or holding you in bondage?

Hey beautiful people! Whew, do I have a word today…

This is truly just a check-in to see how you have been managing the keys to your freedoms in Christ. There are so many things that can keep us in bondage & oddly one of those things is the shepherd we choose to sit under or the teacher we choose to mentor us. Turn with me to Gal 2:4! (I like the ESV of this scripture)

This scripture highlights how there are those who pretend to be followers of Christ just to spy on true believers to take away the liberties that Christ has given them. Did you know that sitting under leadership that is tainted taints your access to the doors God has for you? See not only are there teachers, mentors and etc. pretending to be followers of Christ; their intent attached to it is devious in nature. They are doing so to intentionally keep their flocks in bondage. That makes them a danger to you! A danger to your walk! A danger to your destination! You are essentially a danger to yourself when you are unable to discern the leadership you sit under.

In James 1:25, we are reminded that we should be doers of the word and not just hearers. This is vital because it provides guidance on how to check the leadership we are under, as well as provides us with direction on how we can also check our walk as we grow in our knowledge of the word.

Having leadership that walks what they talk is important. It helps us to trust that they are feeding us from a plate they would also digest. I’m not sure about you, but for me, I won’t eat anyone’s food who won’t eat what they are serving. We need to be able to sit-down and eat together. When God provided us with the word, we were given the recipe book to success in life. The word gives us guidance on how we can secure a good meal. If your leadership is providing you food that has been prepared differently from the guidance of the word, they might not be serving you from Christ recipe book. They might need to be addressed by the elders of the church. They might need to mature in their understanding of the word. You might need to find a new teacher. But in all of these options grace should be given while still being mindful that your freedom is in the mix.

We have to test the spirit (1 John 4:1). Our leadership is not absent from that. There is a proper order in which we should go about it and it should be used appropriately because it impacts the body as a whole (Ref 1 Tim for more context). We can’t remain free if we allow ourselves to be tied up in false doctrine.

Stay prayed up. Stay vigilant. Your keys are yours to properly steward. In Christ, we are free indeed (John 8:36). You matter to him. Don’t allow just anybody to teach you falsely.

Gotta dash. I’ll talk to you soon.

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