K. D. K. D.

Are we truly children of God?

What’s up good people? It has been a good minute since we have touched basis. I pray you all have been doing amazing. I’ve been doing pretty fantastic (If I do say so myself).

Today I wanted to come and touch basis on how our lies destroy our liberty.

As children of the most high Jesus Christ we are to walk in truth. The word highlights how we are liars when we claim to be believers of Christ whom we can’t see, yet hate our brother whom we can see (1 John 4:20). It also states in Isaiah 63:8 “For he said, Surely they are my people, children that will not lie: so he was their Saviour”. When I read that it made me sit and think on how many times I have told a lie. Intentionally or unintentionally and I just shook my head in silence.

Think about it…how can God save us if we are not honest with him and ourselves? How can God be moved when we cry out if we are not even laying the total truth down at his feet? Wow. John 8:32 reminds us that the truth shall set us free. How can the spirit of the Lord reside with us in our lies (2 Corinthians 3:17)? Can you count the number of times you have lied intentionally or unintentionally? After you do so, think about that being the same number of times you have put yourself at risk by being outside of the liberty that we have in Christ Jesus.

How about counting the number of times you have hated your brother/sister in Christ. Maybe even your true brothers and sisters you share parents with. When we do the inner inventory we realize that we all come short of the glory of God daily. It is up to us to try to maintain the liberty he gives us in the sacrifice his life gave us. In James 1:25 it highlights the importance of us not being forgetful hearers, but doers of the work. I believe the work that this scripture is highlighting is our daily need to die to our flesh and be ye separate from the world.

What better way to do that than by being honest with ourselves and loving our neighbors? Remember, “If we say we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness we lie, and do not the truth:” (1 John 1:6). Shine your light. Tell the truth and shame the devil. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Children of God love. We have no time for hate.

Love you, later.

Stay prayed up. Continue to overcome.

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