K. D. K. D.

What’s Lying at your Door?

Hello, Bonjour, Que Pasa ! How are you doing today? Hope, you’ve been doing well of course. Did you miss me? I know it’s been a little while since I’ve written. However, I’m present now so let’s dive in.

You read the title right? Hopefully it was what grabbed your attention. Did you go and check your door? If you didn’t no sweat. I’m sure after this blog you will be constantly checking your door to ensure that you are aware of What’s lying at your door.

When we look at Genesis 4:7 we are in the midst of the story concerning Cain and Abel. God is speaking with Cain concerning his countenance. He begins to explain to Cain that had he done the right thing he wouldn’t be upset he would have a smile on his face. Oh, excuse me, I’m not sure if you are aware of who Cain and Abel are, yet alone, what happened between the two of them. Let me give you a quick rundown. Cain and Abel are brothers, sons of Adam and Eve, they were both asked to give an offering to God. One was accepted or respected and the other received no praise. Cain, the one who received no praise was upset so much that he took the life of his brother Abel. You can find that incident in Gen 4:8. Hopefully that has brought you up to speed now.

When God tells Cain that had he done the right thing he would be smiling, yet, because he had done the wrong thing sin was waiting to attack him. Ultimately, sin was lying at his door.

See, when we give in to the lust of our mortal body, we allow sin to rule us while failing to realize that our bodies will die. (Rom 6:12) Even more reason for us to ignore the lust of our bodies. When we give in to the lust of our bodies, we are ultimately stating that sin rules us and because we are allowing sin to rule us, death will also have its way with us. (Rom 6:16) Sin and Death are always in close proximity of one another. Have you checked to see if death is knocking at your door?

We have an inheritance to obtain. Yet, the inheritance is going to require us to fight to obtain the prize. Fight the good fight of faith. Fight to remain righteous. Fight to stay in the will of God. Fight till the end. When we look at Numbers 32:23 we see that Moses was preparing the Israelites to go to war across the Jordan so that they could obtain their inheritance. Yet, two of the tribes wanted to stop in a land right before the Israelites were to cross the Jordan river to go into battle. Moses basically reminds them that choosing not to fight in the war with the rest of the tribes would be sinning against God. Here we see that the war for our inheritance is not an option. We must fight! We also see in this scripture that what would be waiting at the door for the tribes of Rueben and Gad had they chosen to stay in Gilead and not fight.

They wouldn’t have even been able to enjoy Gilead because punishment would be their only option. “But if you don’t keep your promise, you will sin against the Lord and be punished.” God gives us the option to choose whom we will serve. Whom we allow to rule us. Sin or Righteousness. The consequences that follow are based on which we choose. You can take a seat in sin and allow death to lay outside your door or you can choose to stand 10 toes and prep for the war that lies ahead. Just understand that the battle is already rigged.

The Victory is inevitable!

Love ya later,

Don’t forget to check your door.

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K. D. K. D.

The Smoke is just Proof the Oil is Burning !

Hello, hello, Hello, beautiful people and others. I hope all has been very well for you. It’s been quite some time since I have written a blog. How has everything been going with you? How is school going for your kiddos?

Life for me has been well, interesting and challenging at times. However, all in all it has been a true pleasure to live out. In this blog, I would like to elaborate on how the “smoke” is just proof the oil is burning!

Yes, this message is laced with dual meaning. In the culture, smoke signifies beef! Smoke signifies conflict, challenges, aggression from the opposition. Yet, in the word (Bible), smoke was seen in a few unique instances. Let’s dive in!

On my YouTube channel @Ls2Elevation I spoke on the topic “Will Jesus find you Oily on his return?” In the video I highlight how Jesus’ name is oily, how he was called the “Annointed One”, how the anointing is oily! The word anointing literally means to pour oil upon. Stay with me. It’s going to heat up.

When we look at Isaiah 6:4 the scripture highlights how God’s presence showed up in smoke. See sometimes people are bringing you smoke because of the smoke that surrounds your life spiritually. Let that soak in. Sometimes people have qualms and beef with you because they are upset with the presence of God that surrounds your life. It’s not necessarily you they are upset at. It’s the smoke!

When we look at Isaiah 34:8-10 we see how God’s vengeance is exemplified in smoke. Isaiah 34:8-10 highlights how the defense of Zion from God will result in the whole country going up in flames. Scripture states “It will burn night and day and never stop smoking.” We see in this chunk of scripture that “The Anointed One” speaks of being so heated (angry) that he literally will burn down an entire country to defend Zion. Can you imagine God being so angry at you that he plans to burn your country night and day with never ending smoke included? See some of the smoke you are enduring right now is because of the never-ending torment that is tied to the vengeance that God is taking up on your behalf against your enemies.

When we look at Revelations 14:8-11 we see how even Babylon ended in a never-ending smoke. Scripture states “If you worship the beast and the idol and accept the mark of it’s name, you will be tortured day and night. The smoke from your torture will go up forever and ever, and you will never be able to rest.” See when you are dealing with smoke from the opposition, whether it be work, family, friends, the world; their main strategy is to come at you so intensely (whatever they believe intense to be) that you are worn out by the smoke they have brought to your life. Ironically enough, Christ applies that same pressure to those who have decided to worship the beast, idols and that take the mark of the beast. Some smoke never ends well.

When we look at Genesis 19:28 we see how Destruction is exemplified in smoke. This chunk of scripture speaks about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Two cities plagued with perverse practices and wickedness. You know, often times when we look at cultural smoke or opposition we receive from others, we could also say, it comes from a perverse heart or wickedness within the opposition. When we have allowed ourselves to behave in ways that oppose God’s natural way for us, we often find that we are on a path of destruction. Most times we ignore the signs and warnings sent to us; but they were there.

When we miss the warnings God sends, we stir his anger, fueling his wrath, fanning the smoke we are bound to be tortured with.

The smoke we endure in the natural is just proof that the Oil is burning! That God’s presence surrounding us disturbs those who want smoke with us without a cause. The smoke we endure in the natural is just proof that the Oil is burning! That God’s vengeance has activated against our enemies. The smoke we endure in the natural is just proof that the Oil is burning! See God has given you rest in the midst of your storms. While those who partake in worshipping the beast and the idol come to an end without rest. The smoke we endure in the natural is just proof that the Oil is burning! Destruction is the portion for those who practice things that go against God’s natural ways. Some of our opposition is so focused on “us” they have blinded themselves to the error of their own ways that God has warned them about.

The smoke that is sent in the spiritual realm is just proof that the Oil is burning! God’s oil has been tested so much that it has ignited the consuming fire that God is. The smoke was the warning you ignored. The smoke is also the thing used to torture you.

For those of you enduring smoke in the natural stand fast and endure to the end. I leave you with Isaiah 51:7Hearken unto me; ye that know righteousness, the people in whose heart is my law; fear ye not the reproach of men, neither be ye afraid of their revilings.”

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K. D. K. D.

Are you Spiritually Entangled?

Are you tied up in webs you have established?

What’s good, good people? How you doing? How you been?

Look it’s been a little while since we’ve had to deal with the topics of “entanglements” and boy was it a time when the world was dealing with it in the “famous people” world. There were soo many jokes flying from every direction and the entanglers had no rest! (Yes, I just made that word up. I’m pretty good at doing that by the way.) There were webs of all kinds coming out and about. But let’s talk about something serious real quick.

Did you know that you can be spiritually entangled? Do you even know what that is? Let me break it down for you real quick.

Have you heard of the saying “when you know better you do better?” Or the saying that talks about a dog returning to it’s vomit? Well, that is quite similar to being spiritually entangled! You know in Christ we were freed from the bondage of our sins thru his death on the cross. Yet, there are those who know this and still choose to entertain their past sins/bondage. The word tells us in 2 Peter 2:18-21 that people use swelling words of vanity to allure through the flesh. They promise liberty while they themselves are servants of corruption. Which are people who are bound by the same things which they have overcome. Verse 20 in the KJV states “For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.”

This sounds similar to another scripture in the word in Matthew 12:44-45 where the demons return to an empty house with 7times the amount that were originally there. Could you imagine being free from a thing just to return to it on your own accord after knowing that there is better for you? The word in 2 Peter 2:21 tells us that it is better to have NOT known the way of righteousness than to have known it and to turn from it!

When we know better, we need to do better. Or we are bound to get entangled in situations we could have easily avoided.

Don’t be spider-man be a Holy Man or Woman of God. Cheesy, I know haha but I bet it’ll stick with you.

Anywho, gotta run. Love ya later!

Oh, Do Better! Let’s clean up the webs we’ve woven and strive to walk the narrow path. Righteousness is the right way to go!

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