K. D. K. D.

Did you know our Father can smell you?

What’s good, good people and others?

I pray you had an amazing Saturday. That you are well rested and prepped for whatever the week may bring to you. Today I wanted to come and talk about something I believe is cool. Did you know that our prayers have a scent unto the Father? Pretty dope right? In Revelations 5:8 it talks about the elders having golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of the saints.

How is your prayer life? Do you have a prayer schedule?

When I read this different types of scenarios ran through my mind. Wondering if we all had different prayer scents? If certain prayers brought on certain scents? Or if we are to be unified in Christ, as his body, that the vials would all have the same odour. I wondered what scent did Jesus have when he prayed to the Father? Was it of frankincense or myrrh?

It put me in mind of when a dog has puppies. (Any animal really.) As the puppies are birthed into the world the mother begins to clean them from the sac then she begins to smell each of them individually. Learning her babies scent. As the mother completes the birthing of her litter she is given time with her puppies alone and then the dad comes in and begins to greet the puppies. He uses his nose to check their scent to store in his mind and heart (I’d imagine) that these puppies are mine.

When we pray the prayer of repentance "Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins and surrender my life. Wash me clean. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. That he died on the cross for my sins and rose again on the third day for my Victory, I believe that in my heart and make confession with my mouth, that Jesus is my Savior and Lord.” God begins to clean us up.

He washes us of our sins and makes us new. Could you imagine not being able to be recognized by Christ because we smell like the world? Maybe we’re new to the faith and our prayer life isn’t as strong so our scent is a light fragrance to the father. Our prayer life is a vital part in our relationship with the father. Establishing a “secret place” where you have time with the Father alone is very important. I want us all to have a fragrance that pleases the father. Where our prayers can make it to the gold vials offered up by the elders to the Father.

If you are new to establishing a prayer life, your prayers don’t have to be long (Mat 6:7). They don’t have to be extravagant (Mat 6:5) if you don’t want them to be and they can and should be done in secret (Mat 6:6). As long as you do your best to say them. Just remember something as simple as “Father, I thank you” is a prayer.

Our Father is waiting to hear from you. He’s ready to enjoy your odour of prayer. Come on in the room and let God smell you. (lol)

Love ya. Stay prayed up. Stay vigilant.

Have an amazing day.

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