K. D. K. D.

Those troubles you’re experiencing look real Blessed to me!

Hello, Hello, Hello good people and others.

Are you excited about the fall season? Ready for the beautiful change in color of the leaves and the coco and campfires? If you indulge, I pray you enjoy yourselves and create great memories doing so.

In today’s blog I would like to encourage those of you who are struggling in any capacity. Mentally, physically, spiritually, financially and etc. When we look at scripture Luke 6:20-23 ESV where Jesus is speaking with his disciples, he tells them about different blessings and troubles. Some of you would be surprised that the blessings listed are actually tied to situations that most in society would deem as failure. However, today I want to remind you that even in your struggles you are blessed! Let’s dive in.

The first blessing we see in Luke 6:20 is that “God will bless you people who are poor. His kingdom belongs to you.”

No one likes to be poor. At least no one likes the association of what being “poor” represents in society. Yet, in scripture we see that there are plenty of verses that highlight the different blessings for the poor. In the scripture listed above we see that the poor will receive God’s Kingdom. Could you imagine having nothing here on earth by man’s standards just to receive the Kingdom of God when it’s all said and done? Talk about an abundant inheritance! Now I’m not encouraging anyone to strive to be poor. I am stating that despite your current situation in relation to your finances you are still blessed.

The second blessing we see in Luke 6:21 is that “God will bless you hungry people. You will have plenty to eat.

Going without eating especially for extended lengths of time is tough. Some of us get hard on ourselves when we are unable to put food on our tables to feed ourselves. For those of us who have children to feed the pain we feel knowing that we are unable to provide food for our kids is next level. In this scripture I believe that there is a dual message. When we hunger after righteousness, we are filled according to Matthew 5:6. When applying Matthew 5:6 in the midst of our troubles as difficult as it could be in this interesting climate within society there is plenty for us to be filled with. When going about things righteously.

The third blessing we see is in Luke 6:21 as well. It states that “God will bless you people who are crying. You will laugh.

There are some of us who have become closed off to crying. Releasing ourselves from the things that have weighed heavily on our hearts and minds. While there are some of us who have become so burdened that crying is all we are able to do at times. Living in this world will sometimes cause you to be in tears. However, Jesus has told us that are tears will soon turn to laughter if we just endure to the end. Crying all the time is looked at as if you are soft or unable to deal with the things that life comes with. However, if you must cry don’t feel as if you have to hold everything in to be strong. Cry and release whatever it is that is plaguing your heart and mind. You will soon laugh.

The fourth blessing we see in Luke 6:22 is that “God will bless you when others hate you and won’t have anything to do with you.

Some believe that we are blessed only when there is a multitude of love shown to us from other people. Being loved by others is a blessing. I Am not stating that having love from people isn’t a horrible thing. However, according to God’s word you are blessed when people hate you and want nothing to do with you. I can speak from experience when I say that it is truly a blessing to be comfortable by yourself. There are so many things you are free from when you are in solitude or isolation. The world wants everyone to be on board with having plenty of friends and loved ones. Following the crowds and being scared to stand out. However, we see in scripture where Jesus states he will bless you when others hate you and want nothing to do with you.

The fifth blessing we see is in Luke 6:22 as well and it states “God will bless you when people insult you and say cruel things about you, all because you are a follower of the Son of Man.

Listen, I know from experience that it is difficult to be unbothered by the opinions of others. Especially when we are naturally inclined to desire community and fellowship with others. It is hard to adjust to being constantly insulted or hearing cruel things said about you. The enemy knows this. When we are aware of who we are in Christ Jesus it makes it easier to deal with caring less about what man can say about you. My advice to anyone dealing with this is to try looking at it as a stock up of blessings. Look at it as a freedom from the chains you were once happy to dance in when you cared about the opinions of others. DO NOT feel overwhelmed or distraught by the verbal attacks that you receive from others. Remember the battle is rigged in our favor. Those of us who are followers of the Son of Man. Jesus Christ.

Jesus actually tells us that we should rejoice when people insult us because our reward in Heaven will be great. (Luke 6:23) Some of us need to go ahead and praise Jesus in advance for the blessings that are coming our way. The troubles that we are facing today are seasonal. Trouble doesn’t last always. Y’all recall that song “Trouble Don’t Last Always”. Look it up and let it play. Gone and give our father a praise. We are truly blessed even in the midst of our storms and troubles.

I love y’all. Remember you are blessed. Keep your head up. Endure till the end. Stay glad! It truly makes your enemies mad.

Love ya, later.

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K. D. K. D.

The Praises of men will cost you something!

What’s going on beautiful people?! Good people and others. I pray all has been well with you.

In today’s blog I want to highlight how the “Praises of men are going to cost you something!”

We live in a world today where people worship the “praises” they receive from man over striving to receive the praises from our Master, Jesus Christ. In John 12:42 we see how the Pharisees, the “leaders”, at that time had ordered the people not to have anything to do with anyone who had faith in Jesus. Isn’t it amazing how the very people we worship, our leaders, have the power to influence us detrimentally? Oftentimes we miss the plot (trap) because we are so consumed with how we will be perceived by those we have given detrimental influence in our lives.

When we are willing to submit to man’s rule over our lives more than we submit to the rule of Jesus Christ in our life it cost us something. In the scriptures prior to John 12:42 we see where Isaiah had previously prophesied that people would not be willing to have faith in Jesus (John 12:36-38). The cost associated with not having faith in Jesus resulted in the people having blinded eyes, stubborn hearts, and missed opportunities to be healed (John 12:39-40). The people were just “following” after the orders given by the Pharisees. Those who despised the work Jesus Christ was doing in the world. Yet, it cost them so much.

In 2024, so many of us are “following” Pharisees who have no intention to direct you to Jesus Christ. We have become so fixated on receiving the praises of man that we are willing to risk our own sight, understanding and healing to be approved by man who cannot grant us access into heaven. Only Jesus Christ, our master, can tell us “Well Done.” (Matthew 25:23) Do not take this as me saying that man can not acknowledge the blessing that your presence or influence has had on them because that is not what I’m saying. What I Am saying is that man’s “Well Done” of your life has no impact on whether or not you get into heaven.

God is the one who knows our ending from our beginning (Isaiah 46:10).

Our world today has become more craftier in the ways we are influenced to our detriment. The “leaders” man chose are showing you that they do not have any real care in the world for your current condition. Struggling financially, barely able to provide a meal for your family, no security with open borders, and the list goes on. Yet, there are still so many people concerned about their image to man. It cost you to follow a “leader” whose sole (soul) intention is to keep you away from the very thing, the very person, that can heal you & give you a restful eternal life.

When our focus is on doing the work that God has intended for our lives, the smoke we receive from man means nothing. The praises we receive from man will hold no weight to make or break us. Good or bad we will be able to press on towards the mark. Scripture states in Philippians 3:14, “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ.” The high calling of God!

What can man do unto you? (Psalms 118:6) God, Jesus Christ, is the only person you should be striving to receive praises from. I pray you don’t allow man’s praises to detrimentally impact you to miss out on the things that God would like to do in your life. Healing can be your portion. Faith is required. Faith in Jesus Christ. Do not fear what man can do to you. Fear the life you could miss out on by choosing not to have faith in Jesus Christ.

Love ya Later.

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K. D. K. D.

Perfectly Positioned

Hello Beautiful People. Welcome back to the Ls2Elevation BlogCast! Happy to have you here. In this blog today I wanted to share some insight God gave me on being “Perfectly Positioned” to be used by God.

A few days ago, God had me reading in 2 Kings.

During my reading I came across the story of Jehu on a mission to fulfil his assignment to take out all of those related and employed by Ahab and Jezebel. In 2 Kings 9, Jehu comes to the city Jezreel where Jezebel was and ask, “Is anyone up there on my side?”. No one spoke up but some palace workers did show themselves out the window. (vs 32) See oftentimes in life, it appears as if we are fighting on the wrong side. We are employed by known evil and we say nothing! We just continue to show up at work. What if I told you God has you perfectly positioned to be used by him!

In today’s world we are surrounded by plenty of people employed by Ahab and Jezebel themselves. It appears that their idols, laws and statues have been running the country for quite some time. There are plenty of people who need to work. Who must work. Sometimes the best position you can secure is on the side of the enemy to supply your needs. Tough position but a purposed position. See when Jehu rode up to the palace of Jezebel, he was so locked in on his mission that he didn’t even address the conversation that Jezebel was trying to have with him. He simply walked up and asked, “Who is on my side?”

Had it not been for their perfectly positioned employment maybe Jehu could have been delayed in his mission to kill Jezebel. However, because of those that God had perfectly positioned in the enemies’ camp he was successful. There are some of you stressed out right now for good reason working on the side of the enemy. Today I want to bring you encouragement “stay in position”. God is going to use you right where you are. Your access gives God access to do just what he needs to be done. Help is on the way. Understand that the position is granted in and on purpose. When you are on the Lord’s side stay in position to be used.

Till next time Beautiful People.

Stay prayed up, stay vigilant, stay in position.

Love ya later.

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