K. D. K. D.

Those troubles you’re experiencing look real Blessed to me!

Hello, Hello, Hello good people and others.

Are you excited about the fall season? Ready for the beautiful change in color of the leaves and the coco and campfires? If you indulge, I pray you enjoy yourselves and create great memories doing so.

In today’s blog I would like to encourage those of you who are struggling in any capacity. Mentally, physically, spiritually, financially and etc. When we look at scripture Luke 6:20-23 ESV where Jesus is speaking with his disciples, he tells them about different blessings and troubles. Some of you would be surprised that the blessings listed are actually tied to situations that most in society would deem as failure. However, today I want to remind you that even in your struggles you are blessed! Let’s dive in.

The first blessing we see in Luke 6:20 is that “God will bless you people who are poor. His kingdom belongs to you.”

No one likes to be poor. At least no one likes the association of what being “poor” represents in society. Yet, in scripture we see that there are plenty of verses that highlight the different blessings for the poor. In the scripture listed above we see that the poor will receive God’s Kingdom. Could you imagine having nothing here on earth by man’s standards just to receive the Kingdom of God when it’s all said and done? Talk about an abundant inheritance! Now I’m not encouraging anyone to strive to be poor. I am stating that despite your current situation in relation to your finances you are still blessed.

The second blessing we see in Luke 6:21 is that “God will bless you hungry people. You will have plenty to eat.

Going without eating especially for extended lengths of time is tough. Some of us get hard on ourselves when we are unable to put food on our tables to feed ourselves. For those of us who have children to feed the pain we feel knowing that we are unable to provide food for our kids is next level. In this scripture I believe that there is a dual message. When we hunger after righteousness, we are filled according to Matthew 5:6. When applying Matthew 5:6 in the midst of our troubles as difficult as it could be in this interesting climate within society there is plenty for us to be filled with. When going about things righteously.

The third blessing we see is in Luke 6:21 as well. It states that “God will bless you people who are crying. You will laugh.

There are some of us who have become closed off to crying. Releasing ourselves from the things that have weighed heavily on our hearts and minds. While there are some of us who have become so burdened that crying is all we are able to do at times. Living in this world will sometimes cause you to be in tears. However, Jesus has told us that are tears will soon turn to laughter if we just endure to the end. Crying all the time is looked at as if you are soft or unable to deal with the things that life comes with. However, if you must cry don’t feel as if you have to hold everything in to be strong. Cry and release whatever it is that is plaguing your heart and mind. You will soon laugh.

The fourth blessing we see in Luke 6:22 is that “God will bless you when others hate you and won’t have anything to do with you.

Some believe that we are blessed only when there is a multitude of love shown to us from other people. Being loved by others is a blessing. I Am not stating that having love from people isn’t a horrible thing. However, according to God’s word you are blessed when people hate you and want nothing to do with you. I can speak from experience when I say that it is truly a blessing to be comfortable by yourself. There are so many things you are free from when you are in solitude or isolation. The world wants everyone to be on board with having plenty of friends and loved ones. Following the crowds and being scared to stand out. However, we see in scripture where Jesus states he will bless you when others hate you and want nothing to do with you.

The fifth blessing we see is in Luke 6:22 as well and it states “God will bless you when people insult you and say cruel things about you, all because you are a follower of the Son of Man.

Listen, I know from experience that it is difficult to be unbothered by the opinions of others. Especially when we are naturally inclined to desire community and fellowship with others. It is hard to adjust to being constantly insulted or hearing cruel things said about you. The enemy knows this. When we are aware of who we are in Christ Jesus it makes it easier to deal with caring less about what man can say about you. My advice to anyone dealing with this is to try looking at it as a stock up of blessings. Look at it as a freedom from the chains you were once happy to dance in when you cared about the opinions of others. DO NOT feel overwhelmed or distraught by the verbal attacks that you receive from others. Remember the battle is rigged in our favor. Those of us who are followers of the Son of Man. Jesus Christ.

Jesus actually tells us that we should rejoice when people insult us because our reward in Heaven will be great. (Luke 6:23) Some of us need to go ahead and praise Jesus in advance for the blessings that are coming our way. The troubles that we are facing today are seasonal. Trouble doesn’t last always. Y’all recall that song “Trouble Don’t Last Always”. Look it up and let it play. Gone and give our father a praise. We are truly blessed even in the midst of our storms and troubles.

I love y’all. Remember you are blessed. Keep your head up. Endure till the end. Stay glad! It truly makes your enemies mad.

Love ya, later.

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K. D. K. D.

Are you Worthy of the Cup?

Hello Good People and Others!

Hope you all are planning to enjoy this beautiful Sabbath. Whether you are resting or have to work, I pray that it is a peaceful and smooth day for you.

Today I want to leave you with a question to consider. We are in a new month fast approaching the first Sunday and you know that communion is upon us. For those of you that attend a church you will be asked to examine yourselves to see if you are worthy of partaking in communion. My question to you today……Are you worthy of the cup?

Most of us are experts at spotting the needle in someone else’s eye. Yet hardly do we thoroughly examine ourselves in the mirror to see that we have one of our own. Communion is not a small thing to indulge in. It is not, I was good today for this moment, I’ll partake in this remembrance, and go back to willingly sinning. It’s much, much deeper than that. You are submitting yourselves to the guilt of the blood and body of the Lord when you partake unworthily (1 Co 11:27). Meaning that blood is on your hands concerning Jesus crucifixion. Meaning you were among those who chose to have him crucified.

Our duty as believers of Christ Jesus is to examine ourselves, not others. Yet, we have become so accustomed to comparing and competing with others that we don’t seem to love ourselves enough to hold ourselves in the mirror long enough to see the err of our ways. We are to do our own work well so that we will have something to be proud of! Not comparing ourselves to others (Gal 6:4 ESV). See when we judge ourselves we are able to prevent ourselves from being judged (1 Co 11:31). Judging yourself might go something like “Am I truly a child of God?”, “Am I walking in my flesh or walking in the Spirit?”, “How can I intentionally represent Christ today?”, “Did I love my neighbor today?”. These are all questions that should highlight to you whether you are intentionally of the faith as a child of God (2 Co 13:5).

I know some of you others who choose to walk unrighteously will take this moment to go “See, you can’t judge me!” and before you do I would like to leave you with this scripture 1 Tim 1:8-10 and Gal 5:8. Both of these scriptures highlight how if a person is led by the flesh and not walking by the spirit the law can be justly used against you. We as believers are also called to judge righteously in John 7:24.

This blog is not a this or that moment. This blog is written to remind you that if you are doing your own personal due diligence in examining yourself genuinely; you will be found worthy of the cup. The cup being symbolic for partaking in Jesus blood and body. If you truly examine yourself and discover that you are not found worthy Lamentations 3:40 tells us to search and try our ways and turn again to the Lord. We serve a graceful God. Yet, we still have to ensure we are not lying to ourselves and being truthful about our ways. When we lie we are spawn of Satan because Jesus is the truth and life!

When we lie and partake in the cup anyways we are choosing damnation on ourselves. Walking with Jesus Christ wholeheartedly is not for those who can’t be honest. You are the exact person Jesus would love to realize that you could have a home with him where there is truth and love and PEACE. It requires honesty and you have to be willing to do the work on the inner you. You have to be willing to be ye separate from the world (2 Co 6:17). You have to choose to die to your flesh daily (1 Co 15:31, Ro 8:13) not live in it and then believe that God is going to forgive you. That is like premeditating a murder then asking for forgiveness knowing you were intentional about taking someones life. Which is wrong.

When we come to Christ we give up our sinful ways and that might appear boring to you at first. Most likely because you have to detox your mind, body and soul from the “fun” of the world by feeding your spirit with the word of Christ. Our fun in Christ is different but there is still a life of enjoyment living for Christ. Examine yourself and see….. Are you worthy of the cup? If you find that you are not or have not been. Do the work. Repent wholeheartedly and turn from your wicked ways (2 Chr 7:14).

Remember, someone who loves you will correct you (2 Tim 3:16) just as our Father in heaven does.

Stay prayed up. Stay vigilant. Continue to be an overcomer.

Love ya later!

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