K. D. K. D.

Your Will won’t Cover that…..

Is your will enough?

Hey Beautiful people! Let’s talk about wills. Wills spiritually and wills in the natural.

In life, we live, we work, we enjoy, we cry, we lose, we learn, we grow! When we die, if we have properly prepared for our passing, we leave some “covering” for our families and loved ones from the labor we endured during our life. This will is a legal document that outlines how you would like your property and assets distributed amongst your loved ones. Wills help minimize the confusion and chaos amongst family members by assigning or designating things in advance. Due to wills being a legal document the family or loved ones have to abide by the will.

Hopefully that has provided you with a better understanding of a will in the natural sense. Now let’s look at wills in the spiritual sense.

In the KJV Bible Matthew 6:9-13, verse 10 states “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven!”

Our will, similar to that of the natural sense, are our desires or wants in life. The major difference is that our will in the spiritual sense will lead us to eternal life or death. Matthew 6:9-13 provides for us a way in which we should pray to our heavenly father who has adopted us and not given us the spirit of fear (Romans 8:15)! See when we choose to serve God, we are releasing the ways of the flesh and choosing to be of the Spirit. If the Spirit of God dwell in us we are of Christ (Romans 8:9-10). Therefore we are also “debtors” to the Spirit as well (Romans 8:12). We are giving up “our will” to take on the will of the Father (Matthew 26:39).

Heavy debt but it is one that ensures an eternal life! Remember now, we are members of the Heavenly Credit Union of Christ! Our perks are different.

In verse 12 of Matthew 6:9-13 it states “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” See our wills would have never been enough to “pay” for our sins. Matter of fact “our wills” were the exact reason we were unable to fulfill the law. Our natural state is one of sin (Romans 8:3). When we submit ourselves to the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) we are canceling our wills to purposefully pursue the will of our Father. It’s not easy, but there is purpose in it! There is life in it!

We are called to forgive those who “owe" or are “debtors” to us just as our Lord and Saviour sent his only begotten son to cancel our debts! Our sins, our natural nature (Romans 8:3) could have never cut it. We are to die to our flesh daily! We are to will ourselves to be righteous and walk in the ways of our Father. Jesus himself cried out three times to his father “if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou will” (Matthew 26:39-44).

Even our father submitted his will to his Father’s will.

In Mark 14:33 it talks about how Jesus “began to be sore amazed, and to be very heavy”. When I read the scripture surrounding that it highlights to me how purpose is heavy when it is God’s will for your life. “For my yoke is easy, but my burden is light” (Matthew 11:30). Don’t let that last scripture go over your head.

We can’t be a light living in darkness. Living in the flesh. Operating within our will for ourselves. I’ll let you sit with that.

Gotta go. I’ll be back soon. Stay prayed up. Stay vigilant.

Love ya later!

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K. D. K. D.

Who is Teaching You?

Are you being taught in black & white or in color? Are your lessons freeing you or holding you in bondage?

Hey beautiful people! Whew, do I have a word today…

This is truly just a check-in to see how you have been managing the keys to your freedoms in Christ. There are so many things that can keep us in bondage & oddly one of those things is the shepherd we choose to sit under or the teacher we choose to mentor us. Turn with me to Gal 2:4! (I like the ESV of this scripture)

This scripture highlights how there are those who pretend to be followers of Christ just to spy on true believers to take away the liberties that Christ has given them. Did you know that sitting under leadership that is tainted taints your access to the doors God has for you? See not only are there teachers, mentors and etc. pretending to be followers of Christ; their intent attached to it is devious in nature. They are doing so to intentionally keep their flocks in bondage. That makes them a danger to you! A danger to your walk! A danger to your destination! You are essentially a danger to yourself when you are unable to discern the leadership you sit under.

In James 1:25, we are reminded that we should be doers of the word and not just hearers. This is vital because it provides guidance on how to check the leadership we are under, as well as provides us with direction on how we can also check our walk as we grow in our knowledge of the word.

Having leadership that walks what they talk is important. It helps us to trust that they are feeding us from a plate they would also digest. I’m not sure about you, but for me, I won’t eat anyone’s food who won’t eat what they are serving. We need to be able to sit-down and eat together. When God provided us with the word, we were given the recipe book to success in life. The word gives us guidance on how we can secure a good meal. If your leadership is providing you food that has been prepared differently from the guidance of the word, they might not be serving you from Christ recipe book. They might need to be addressed by the elders of the church. They might need to mature in their understanding of the word. You might need to find a new teacher. But in all of these options grace should be given while still being mindful that your freedom is in the mix.

We have to test the spirit (1 John 4:1). Our leadership is not absent from that. There is a proper order in which we should go about it and it should be used appropriately because it impacts the body as a whole (Ref 1 Tim for more context). We can’t remain free if we allow ourselves to be tied up in false doctrine.

Stay prayed up. Stay vigilant. Your keys are yours to properly steward. In Christ, we are free indeed (John 8:36). You matter to him. Don’t allow just anybody to teach you falsely.

Gotta dash. I’ll talk to you soon.

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K. D. K. D.

Compensated in Life or Death?

We have a choice in who we choose to bank with. That choice can either make us or break us. How are you striving to be compensated for your work here on earth?

Hey, hey, hey, good people!

Have you checked your savings account lately? Is it full or is it empty?

Are you struggling to maintain or thriving in the midst of ever growing expenses of life?

Saving up can be difficult for some. I know I can give a testimony on that for myself. In real time haha. Did you know that you could have a saving account with the Heavenly Credit Union of Christ? I’m sure you didn’t but ugh let me tell you some of the perks of being a member.

Well, the most important perk is the gift of eternal life. Yep, huge right? Shoot, I think so! I don’t know too many other banks offering that type of membership. I did hear over at the Fiery Gates Bank that you don’t even get to question them about the possibility of eternal life! All they have to offer is death and high interest on their credit cards and loan services. You’d be so tied down with life and debt that you will be overjoyed with the death fund by the time you have spent all your time on earth. They don’t even check your credit before they give you a card because they aren’t interested in protecting their bank. They’re interested in cashing out on your soul.

See at the Heavenly Credit Union of Christ they help you clean up your credit, free you from debt & the bondage of corruption to help you become fruitful members of society. They gift you eternal life! Gifts are free! I enjoy a good free gift. I’m not sure about you but I ain’t shamed to admit it.

See our word tells us in Romans 6:17-23, that God freed us from sin. When we chose to obey from our hearts the doctrine which was delivered unto us (his word) we became servants of righteousness! When we were freed of sin and became servants of God our fruit became unto holiness and everlasting life was a by product of our work. However, when we choose to stay in sin or the bondage of corruption we are paid in death!

Not sure about you but for me and my house we gone invest at the Heavenly Credit Union of Christ! We choose to have life and to have it more abundantly (John 10:10)!

Which membership will you choose?

Love ya later.

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