The Praises of men will cost you something!
What’s going on beautiful people?! Good people and others. I pray all has been well with you.
In today’s blog I want to highlight how the “Praises of men are going to cost you something!”
We live in a world today where people worship the “praises” they receive from man over striving to receive the praises from our Master, Jesus Christ. In John 12:42 we see how the Pharisees, the “leaders”, at that time had ordered the people not to have anything to do with anyone who had faith in Jesus. Isn’t it amazing how the very people we worship, our leaders, have the power to influence us detrimentally? Oftentimes we miss the plot (trap) because we are so consumed with how we will be perceived by those we have given detrimental influence in our lives.
When we are willing to submit to man’s rule over our lives more than we submit to the rule of Jesus Christ in our life it cost us something. In the scriptures prior to John 12:42 we see where Isaiah had previously prophesied that people would not be willing to have faith in Jesus (John 12:36-38). The cost associated with not having faith in Jesus resulted in the people having blinded eyes, stubborn hearts, and missed opportunities to be healed (John 12:39-40). The people were just “following” after the orders given by the Pharisees. Those who despised the work Jesus Christ was doing in the world. Yet, it cost them so much.
In 2024, so many of us are “following” Pharisees who have no intention to direct you to Jesus Christ. We have become so fixated on receiving the praises of man that we are willing to risk our own sight, understanding and healing to be approved by man who cannot grant us access into heaven. Only Jesus Christ, our master, can tell us “Well Done.” (Matthew 25:23) Do not take this as me saying that man can not acknowledge the blessing that your presence or influence has had on them because that is not what I’m saying. What I Am saying is that man’s “Well Done” of your life has no impact on whether or not you get into heaven.
God is the one who knows our ending from our beginning (Isaiah 46:10).
Our world today has become more craftier in the ways we are influenced to our detriment. The “leaders” man chose are showing you that they do not have any real care in the world for your current condition. Struggling financially, barely able to provide a meal for your family, no security with open borders, and the list goes on. Yet, there are still so many people concerned about their image to man. It cost you to follow a “leader” whose sole (soul) intention is to keep you away from the very thing, the very person, that can heal you & give you a restful eternal life.
When our focus is on doing the work that God has intended for our lives, the smoke we receive from man means nothing. The praises we receive from man will hold no weight to make or break us. Good or bad we will be able to press on towards the mark. Scripture states in Philippians 3:14, “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ.” The high calling of God!
What can man do unto you? (Psalms 118:6) God, Jesus Christ, is the only person you should be striving to receive praises from. I pray you don’t allow man’s praises to detrimentally impact you to miss out on the things that God would like to do in your life. Healing can be your portion. Faith is required. Faith in Jesus Christ. Do not fear what man can do to you. Fear the life you could miss out on by choosing not to have faith in Jesus Christ.
Love ya Later.
The Smoke is just Proof the Oil is Burning !
Hello, hello, Hello, beautiful people and others. I hope all has been very well for you. It’s been quite some time since I have written a blog. How has everything been going with you? How is school going for your kiddos?
Life for me has been well, interesting and challenging at times. However, all in all it has been a true pleasure to live out. In this blog, I would like to elaborate on how the “smoke” is just proof the oil is burning!
Yes, this message is laced with dual meaning. In the culture, smoke signifies beef! Smoke signifies conflict, challenges, aggression from the opposition. Yet, in the word (Bible), smoke was seen in a few unique instances. Let’s dive in!
On my YouTube channel @Ls2Elevation I spoke on the topic “Will Jesus find you Oily on his return?” In the video I highlight how Jesus’ name is oily, how he was called the “Annointed One”, how the anointing is oily! The word anointing literally means to pour oil upon. Stay with me. It’s going to heat up.
When we look at Isaiah 6:4 the scripture highlights how God’s presence showed up in smoke. See sometimes people are bringing you smoke because of the smoke that surrounds your life spiritually. Let that soak in. Sometimes people have qualms and beef with you because they are upset with the presence of God that surrounds your life. It’s not necessarily you they are upset at. It’s the smoke!
When we look at Isaiah 34:8-10 we see how God’s vengeance is exemplified in smoke. Isaiah 34:8-10 highlights how the defense of Zion from God will result in the whole country going up in flames. Scripture states “It will burn night and day and never stop smoking.” We see in this chunk of scripture that “The Anointed One” speaks of being so heated (angry) that he literally will burn down an entire country to defend Zion. Can you imagine God being so angry at you that he plans to burn your country night and day with never ending smoke included? See some of the smoke you are enduring right now is because of the never-ending torment that is tied to the vengeance that God is taking up on your behalf against your enemies.
When we look at Revelations 14:8-11 we see how even Babylon ended in a never-ending smoke. Scripture states “If you worship the beast and the idol and accept the mark of it’s name, you will be tortured day and night. The smoke from your torture will go up forever and ever, and you will never be able to rest.” See when you are dealing with smoke from the opposition, whether it be work, family, friends, the world; their main strategy is to come at you so intensely (whatever they believe intense to be) that you are worn out by the smoke they have brought to your life. Ironically enough, Christ applies that same pressure to those who have decided to worship the beast, idols and that take the mark of the beast. Some smoke never ends well.
When we look at Genesis 19:28 we see how Destruction is exemplified in smoke. This chunk of scripture speaks about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Two cities plagued with perverse practices and wickedness. You know, often times when we look at cultural smoke or opposition we receive from others, we could also say, it comes from a perverse heart or wickedness within the opposition. When we have allowed ourselves to behave in ways that oppose God’s natural way for us, we often find that we are on a path of destruction. Most times we ignore the signs and warnings sent to us; but they were there.
When we miss the warnings God sends, we stir his anger, fueling his wrath, fanning the smoke we are bound to be tortured with.
The smoke we endure in the natural is just proof that the Oil is burning! That God’s presence surrounding us disturbs those who want smoke with us without a cause. The smoke we endure in the natural is just proof that the Oil is burning! That God’s vengeance has activated against our enemies. The smoke we endure in the natural is just proof that the Oil is burning! See God has given you rest in the midst of your storms. While those who partake in worshipping the beast and the idol come to an end without rest. The smoke we endure in the natural is just proof that the Oil is burning! Destruction is the portion for those who practice things that go against God’s natural ways. Some of our opposition is so focused on “us” they have blinded themselves to the error of their own ways that God has warned them about.
The smoke that is sent in the spiritual realm is just proof that the Oil is burning! God’s oil has been tested so much that it has ignited the consuming fire that God is. The smoke was the warning you ignored. The smoke is also the thing used to torture you.
For those of you enduring smoke in the natural stand fast and endure to the end. I leave you with Isaiah 51:7 “Hearken unto me; ye that know righteousness, the people in whose heart is my law; fear ye not the reproach of men, neither be ye afraid of their revilings.”
Why the Inner elevates the Outside…
Are you dressing to be seen by man or dressing to please God? Where are you putting the most emphasis?
What’s up beautiful people?! I hope all has been well your way; All has been well my way. Some minor bumps here and there but nothing that has killed the shine. Today I wanted to come and speak to you about “Why the Inner elevates the Outside..”!
When we walk with Christ Jesus, we are representatives of who he is & what he represents. In society there is huge emphasis on our appearance. So much so that most people jump to follow the trends even if it’s detrimental to their health. People want to be seen, heard and held highly! Yet, most people don’t realize that not only is their thirst to follow trends detrimental to their health it is also detrimental to their spirits unbeknownst to them.
Everyone wants to look nice and presentable because “when you look good you feel good”. How often do you check your spirit before you prepare to leave out for the day? I’m not only talking about reading your devotionals or your word. I’m talking about truly checking your spirit in the mirror? Our word tells us that we should not judge according to appearance (John 7:24), nor should we stress to appear religious in our dress to be seen of men (Matthew 23:5), and that we should be mindful not to dress to attract attention (Mark 12:38).
Yet, all across the globe we have people who wake up and literally take pride in all of these things as believers in Christ Jesus. It is sadly easy to do when we don’t recall that not only do we need to look in the mirror and make sure we are presentable before leaving our homes. We need to make sure that the home we house the spirit of Christ in is well dressed as well. I have been guilty of failing to check the home of my spirit before leaving out at times. (The fruit of those days has not always been ripe. If I do say so myself.) On those days I tend to take a moment and pause! Go within and try to clean house. People will try you for no reason some days & when we have not properly dressed our spirit for the day we tend to fall in traps set by unclean spirits housed in the people we have to interact with. (Typically, you will find that it is an individual who is more concerned with their outer image than their inner appearance.)
We are to “put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and to make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof” (Romans 13:14). Christ resides on the inside of us and we do him and ourselves a disservice when we put more emphasis on our outer appearance than how we are dressed on the inside. When we dress to be seen or to gain attention from man we are feeding the lust of our flesh and tempting someone else’s flesh in the process. Looking good and looking presentable are not necessarily the same thing in today’s society. Where so many people are half naked because of the industry trends and believe themselves to “look good” even though they are far from presentable by Christ standards.
We are called to dress modestly (1 Tim 2:9) & to dress to please God, not to attract attention (1 Pt 3:1-5). When we put more emphasis on how we are dressed inwardly we are fully equipped to tackle the day. We are prepared to shine from within throughout the day. And who can kill a light that God gives? Nobody!!
Love you later.