K. D. K. D.

The size of your investment…

All it takes is a little bit of faith to see the biggest return on your investment.

What’s going on great and good people? I pray all is going well with you and that your day is abundantly joyful.

Today, I wanted to come and speak to those of you who have not yet made up your mind concerning your membership with the Heavenly Credit Union of Christ. I know sometimes the questions surrounding investing can be daunting. How much do I need to open an account? What are the fees? How do I earn interest on what I’ve invested? What if my credit is bad? Do you have programs for people who have previously had an account closed? Etc, etc.

Today I plan on answering your questions. Hopefully the answers I provide will give you some peace on making the final decision to join us at the Heavenly Credit Union of Christ.

First, I want to tackle the question regarding your investment. How much do you need to open an account? Well according to Matthew 17:20 the size of your investment can be as small as a grain of a mustard seed. Yep, that small! See, faith is the investment you need. Some people will have you believe that you need a massive quantity of faith to see any return on your investment BUT the truth of the matter is you DON’T. To get started you just need to believe that you can with Christ. You need to believe that you can because he (Jesus Christ) is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. (Eph 3:20)

Now, let’s look at the fees that are included with this account. There are daily cost. I know, I know. In this current economy seems like a lot to agree to with everything costing so much as it is. However, I’m not sure you can afford NOT to invest when you realize the true benefits at the end. The daily fees you will be responsible for will be the death of yourself daily. Luke 9:23 tells us that in order to follow Jesus Christ and become inheritors of the divine benefits the Heavenly Credit Union of Christ has to offer we must die to ourselves daily. Yes, that arguing, bickering, hatefulness, drunkenness, ugliness, etc etc; yea, you have to let it all go.

I’m sure you might now be thinking what is the benefit of doing all of that? The simple yet complicated answer is Life! Luke 9:23 states that when we follow Christ and die to ourselves daily we do so knowing that this death we face daily is so that we shall live with the father in the end. I’m not sure about you but death is not something that I want to endure twice. You can find more information on what exactly I mean in my blog Compensated in Life or Death. Some scripture that also highlights the benefit highlighted here is John 3:16, Romans 6:23 and Romans 8:6.

The interest you receive as a member of the Heavenly Credit Union of Christ is an overall makeover and increase in the fruitfulness of your life. Investing even the smallest amount can have substantial rewards. The faith of a mustard seed alone can move mountains. Imagine the fruits you would receive investing even more. Peace alone is worth the investment. When we look at John 16:33 it highlights that members of the Heavenly Credit Union have peace that is backed by a banker that has overcome the world. That is some serious security as a member. Look at how vast the world is. There are people of all different cultures and nationalities and nations. Some have peace and some do not. However, you get to choose if you would like to live a life of peace by joining with a worldwide credit union that is backed by an owner with real power and credibility. There are not too many banks out here that can compete with that. Quite frankly peace isn’t something you can just buy. It is something that you can wear proudly though. However, once you have it. It gives you this beautiful humility paired with a confidence that you can not describe.

Whether you have bad credit, past, history, negative accounts or charges, there is an account just for you at the Heavenly Credit Union of Christ. Our banker is honest, open, and invested in the person not just what you can provide for his benefit. Our banker, Jesus Christ, knows that your investment in him is an investment in self that will overflow out into others. He truly cares about his members and takes time to establish a personal relationship with you. He wants to see that your investment bares fruit. Making the decision to join the Heavenly Credit Union of Christ is just a call away. Our banker is waiting to hear from you.

Whelp, I hope today was the day you decide to take the plunge and trust that your investment is worth it with the Heavenly Credit Union of Christ. We’d love to have you as a member.

Love ya later. Stay prayed up. Stay vigilant.

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K. D. K. D.

Are you Worthy of the Cup?

Hello Good People and Others!

Hope you all are planning to enjoy this beautiful Sabbath. Whether you are resting or have to work, I pray that it is a peaceful and smooth day for you.

Today I want to leave you with a question to consider. We are in a new month fast approaching the first Sunday and you know that communion is upon us. For those of you that attend a church you will be asked to examine yourselves to see if you are worthy of partaking in communion. My question to you today……Are you worthy of the cup?

Most of us are experts at spotting the needle in someone else’s eye. Yet hardly do we thoroughly examine ourselves in the mirror to see that we have one of our own. Communion is not a small thing to indulge in. It is not, I was good today for this moment, I’ll partake in this remembrance, and go back to willingly sinning. It’s much, much deeper than that. You are submitting yourselves to the guilt of the blood and body of the Lord when you partake unworthily (1 Co 11:27). Meaning that blood is on your hands concerning Jesus crucifixion. Meaning you were among those who chose to have him crucified.

Our duty as believers of Christ Jesus is to examine ourselves, not others. Yet, we have become so accustomed to comparing and competing with others that we don’t seem to love ourselves enough to hold ourselves in the mirror long enough to see the err of our ways. We are to do our own work well so that we will have something to be proud of! Not comparing ourselves to others (Gal 6:4 ESV). See when we judge ourselves we are able to prevent ourselves from being judged (1 Co 11:31). Judging yourself might go something like “Am I truly a child of God?”, “Am I walking in my flesh or walking in the Spirit?”, “How can I intentionally represent Christ today?”, “Did I love my neighbor today?”. These are all questions that should highlight to you whether you are intentionally of the faith as a child of God (2 Co 13:5).

I know some of you others who choose to walk unrighteously will take this moment to go “See, you can’t judge me!” and before you do I would like to leave you with this scripture 1 Tim 1:8-10 and Gal 5:8. Both of these scriptures highlight how if a person is led by the flesh and not walking by the spirit the law can be justly used against you. We as believers are also called to judge righteously in John 7:24.

This blog is not a this or that moment. This blog is written to remind you that if you are doing your own personal due diligence in examining yourself genuinely; you will be found worthy of the cup. The cup being symbolic for partaking in Jesus blood and body. If you truly examine yourself and discover that you are not found worthy Lamentations 3:40 tells us to search and try our ways and turn again to the Lord. We serve a graceful God. Yet, we still have to ensure we are not lying to ourselves and being truthful about our ways. When we lie we are spawn of Satan because Jesus is the truth and life!

When we lie and partake in the cup anyways we are choosing damnation on ourselves. Walking with Jesus Christ wholeheartedly is not for those who can’t be honest. You are the exact person Jesus would love to realize that you could have a home with him where there is truth and love and PEACE. It requires honesty and you have to be willing to do the work on the inner you. You have to be willing to be ye separate from the world (2 Co 6:17). You have to choose to die to your flesh daily (1 Co 15:31, Ro 8:13) not live in it and then believe that God is going to forgive you. That is like premeditating a murder then asking for forgiveness knowing you were intentional about taking someones life. Which is wrong.

When we come to Christ we give up our sinful ways and that might appear boring to you at first. Most likely because you have to detox your mind, body and soul from the “fun” of the world by feeding your spirit with the word of Christ. Our fun in Christ is different but there is still a life of enjoyment living for Christ. Examine yourself and see….. Are you worthy of the cup? If you find that you are not or have not been. Do the work. Repent wholeheartedly and turn from your wicked ways (2 Chr 7:14).

Remember, someone who loves you will correct you (2 Tim 3:16) just as our Father in heaven does.

Stay prayed up. Stay vigilant. Continue to be an overcomer.

Love ya later!

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