So now that you have the keys…
So you made it back? I knew you were ready to elevate. So tell me…..what did you take away from Ephesians 4? Hopefully you were able to obtain some solid key information. You wrote it down in your journal right? If you need a new journal check out the shop and purchase you one of the Reflective journals or the Overflow Spiral Notebooks. Any-who, back to our conversation about the keys.
I’m going to wait for a few of you to share what you gathered here, then I’ll give you more concerning some key points I took away from Ephesians 4 concerning the major key : renewing our mind! I can give you what’s helped me but I can’t do the work for you. We all have to study to show ourselves approved. (2 Tim 2:15) Which is why I am encouraging you to take your notes as you study and share what you’ve learned. Believe me when I tell you, we will never be void of study when it comes to the word of God and navigating this life. Which excites me, cause that means we should always have plenty to talk about and plenty to work on.
Now that you have the keys. How have you applied them to your life? Have you seen any changes in your daily habits or interactions amongst your peers? Have you felt any different within yourself?
Next big thing for you to ponder on…which door will you choose to walk through? The door to life or destruction? Having the key is great but daily we must pick up our cross and die to our old selves to live in the new. Choosing your old self is choosing destruction. Life is found in the death of our past ways.
I have to run. But, I’ll be back after a little while.
Stay prayed up. Love ya later.