Extended Warranty
So you made your mind up to stand on the Solid Rock that is Jesus Christ. I’m sure you have been enjoying the spoils of getting to know the awesome God that we serve. You’ve heard all about the joy, love, blessings and all the things that comes with being a believer of Jesus Christ. For some of you, you may have even began to experience some turbulence that comes along with following Christ.
In those instances it is hard sometimes to stand firmly and secure….IF you allowed the situation to knock you off of your solid foundation in Christ. (Sometimes that sadly happens. But you can live to fight another day.) However, I’m here to encourage you and inform you about the Extended Warranty that we have in Christ. The road we’re about to travel on is not the typical terrain. This extended warranty I’m talking about does provide coverage just in an abstract way. When we pick up our bibles and turn the page to Judges 3:1-2 contemporary English version. We read about a God that allows your enemies to stay just so that you can be taught how to fight in war.
Can you imagine going thru trial after trial after trial just to realize God was training you this entire time? You are looking at the situation as if you are being punished. When in actuality your father is training you! Equipping you for the journey up ahead.
Life could be beating you down! However, we serve a God that has guaranteed to not leave us comfortless (John 14:18). We have to keep our faith and our focus on him. Once we master the lesson, we are on to the next one. Just know that even in the midst of trials you are covered. Don’t give up. The covering is still there. Sometimes we have to take the path less traveled for a reward not easily obtained.