Could You Pass this Test ?!

What's up beautiful people?! Hello. Bonjour. Que pasa!

I'm sitting here having a moment with the father just reflecting on things as I typically do. In the midst of my singing and thanking God for the life he has given me. My mom flashes in my head. Warm tears begin to stream down my face and the music stops (The singing I was doing haha). I love my mom. I love her so much.

Yet, if I love her more than I love the Father, Jesus Christ, I'd be found unworthy of him (Matthew 10:37-38). Isn't that something?!

It's truly a rough pill to digest. Yet, would you be found worthy?! The Bible talks about how there will be a separation between Father and son, mother and daughter, etc, etc (Luke 12:53). I know for a fact that it's hard being away from people you love. Yet, even when we are, we are not alone because God is with us.

I'm reminded of this YouTube clip of TD Jakes with his family standing behind him. There had just been news spread around the media bringing up old photos and videos while he attended a party of an individual who had been sued for some deviant acts. Yet and still his family and some of his congregation continued to stand behind him. The image of the family coming together was nice.

Most people are raised to stand up for their family. To love and support them. “If one fight, we all fight” type situation. It's hard to break that mindset. Hard to break that bond. Yet, when walking with and for Christ there will come a time when you'll need to decide if you're truly worthy of him. The test just might be. . . will you continue to stand with your family knowing they are doing things outside the will of God?! Where God has called us to be set apart. God’s children are called to be different and to stand ten toes in the differences concerning how we carry ourselves and show up in the world.

Could you pass the test of being set apart if it meant that you would have to disconnect from the very individuals you love and grew up with? I hope one day you will be able to say that you can.

Till next time.

Love ya later,



A Sacrifice Worthy for God Alone !